
Unlocking the Secrets of Mobile Marketing ROI

Unlocking the Secrets of Mobile Marketing ROI Unlock the potential of your mobile marketing efforts by unravelling the mysteries of ROI. Dive into the world of key performance indicators, data tracking, and campaign analysis to calculate and optimise your return on investment. Discover successful case studies and unlock the secrets to boosting your mobile marketing…


12 Secrets to Gauging Social Media Campaign Success

12 Secrets to Gauging Social Media Campaign Success You’ve heard the theory that social media success is all about engagement and reach, but there’s so much more to it. In this article, we’ll reveal 12 secrets to effectively gauging the success of your social media campaigns. From setting clear objectives to analysing competitor benchmarking, you’ll…

Welcome to the extensive and insightful world of Digital Strategy! In the age of accelerated digitization, it has become imperative for businesses to have a defined and robust digital strategy, which acts as the cornerstone of their overall business strategy. Herein, we delve into the intricacies of Digital Strategy, its relevance, the associated concepts, and the potential it brings to the table.

Digital Strategy, at its essence, is a plan that outlines how business tools necessitate online platforms to achieve business goals. It paves the way for applying digital technologies to business models to form new differentiating business capabilities. In the contemporary landscape, the terms ‘Digital Strategy’ and ‘IT Strategy’ are often used interchangeably. However, a distinguishing factor is that while IT Strategy is technology-oriented, Digital Strategy focuses on using technology to efficiently manage resources and fulfil business targets; it is a business-first, technology-second approach.

As technology continues to alter the paradigms of business operations, the advent of bespoke or custom software, apps and web development services have gained remarkable traction. Bespoke solutions take centre stage because they offer organisations a level of customization that off-the-shelf software fails to match. Greater flexibility, scalability, and adaptability define these solutions while ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction.

Trends within the digital strategy realm are ever-evolving, keeping in line with advancing technology and changing consumer behaviour. As per Gartner, by 2022, 70% of companies will be experimenting with immersive technologies for consumer and enterprise use, and 25% will have them deployed in production. The horizon of digital strategy extends to fields like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and cybersecurity, all of which are reinventing the way businesses operate.

Yet, despite these advancements and the urgency for businesses to implement them, research reveals that only 15% of enterprises are at an advanced stage in their digital strategy. This would suggest that many are yet to harness the true potential that a well thought out and executed digital strategy can bring. This gap demonstrates the need for a source providing insights, trends, and the latest developments within the arena of digital strategy.

Our discussion on Digital Strategy will span from understanding its basics to diving into complex concepts. We aim to provide value-adding knowledge that can decisively assist you in allying your business with the advancements in digital strategy and bespoke software market.

Feel free to dive deep into the world of Digital Strategy by browsing our Digital Strategy section or the wealth of resources we have on our blog. If you have any questions or wish to have a discussion on individual requirements, don’t hesitate to contact us at Digital Marketing Directory. We’re here to help you navigate the constantly evolving digital landscape.

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